06 878 3027


Delivering quality recreation and community programmes in the Bay for 125 years

The Y Hawke’s Bay provides a number of community focused services including: school holiday programmes, before and after school care, youth programmes, our Y Ki Waho Play trailer, 'The Y's' Podcast and volunteer opportunities. We offer vibrant and energetic programmes that cater to all individuals.

The Y Hawke’s Bay has a rich past, we have been in Hawke’s Bay since 1895. We are committed to promoting healthy living, fostering a strong sense of social responsibility and supporting the holistic development of all people to help them reach their potential. The Y Hawkes Bay has a strong emphasis on youth, empowering their mind body and spirit.

Y Hawke’s Bay works alongside other Y groups across the country, sharing the objective to build strong people, strong families and strong communities.

You are always welcome at the Y.